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Andrew Bain

Operations & Finance

I have worked for Hewlett -Packard for 13 years, I then help found and grow eXeed into NZ’s 2nd largest distributor. During that time people management was at the forefront of everything. I was lucky enough to have had HP invest a lot of time and resource into my HR training, and over the years those learnings have been enhanced by working for, watching or being mentored by numerous leaders in the IT industry.  More recently I have managed Assess Advantage, which has assisted clients across New Zealand and Australia with assessments that assist in recruitment and development of staff. 

Over the past 35 years of work, my most memorable moments have been assisting and guiding people to develop and grow in their careers.

I am a very average golfer and devout Hurricane supporter domiciled in Auckland, with a passion for The Coromandel (but not the Chiefs)